EPPS adalah singkatan dari Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, suatu alat inventory yang dikembangkan oleh Allen L. Edwards dari universitas washington USA. Tujuan awal dari alat ini didesain awal sebagai alat penelitian dan konseling untuk menyediakan pengukuran yang sesuai terhadap berbagai variabel independen kepribadian. Dasar penamaan variabel mengacu pada definisi kepribadian H.A. Murray.
EPPS menyediakan 15 variabel kepribadian yaitu:
Achievement (ach)
Deference (def)
Order (ord)
Exhibition (exh)
Autonomy (aut)
Affiliation (aff)
Intraception (int)
Succorance (suc)
Dominance (dom
Abasement (aba)
Nurturance (nur)
Change (chg)
Endurance (end)
Heterosexuality (het)
Aggression (agg)
Skor Tinggi
Skor Rendah
Achievement (ach)
Dorongan untuk bertindak lebih baik, tertarik dengan tugas menantang dan rumit.
Dorongan untuk meraih prestasi rendah, cepat menyerah dengan situasi rumit atau menghindar apabila dihadapkan pada situasi kompleks.
Deference (def)
Kecenderungan pribadi mudah terpengaruh oleh orang lain, ketertarikan akan kesuksesan orang lain, banyak tergantung dari orang lain.
Tidak tertarik dengan kesuksesan orang lain, fokus pada diri sendiri, sulit patuh terhadap orang lain dan cenderung melakukan dengan caranya sendiri.
Order (ord)
Kecenderungan memiliki keteraturan yang tinggi, terorganisir, rapi termasuk dalam perencanaan dan aktivitasnya.
Cara kerja atau bertindak cenderung tidak teratur, lebih dikuasai oleh situasi perasaan, kurang terencana dalam bertindak dan sikapnya mudah berubah-ubah.
Exhibition (exh)
Kecenderungan tinggi untuk pamer, menampilkan apa yang dimiliki ke lingkungan sekitar.
Ketidaktertarikan dengan situasi sosial, cenderung tidak peduli dengan apa yang terjadi di sekitarnya, acuh terhadap apa yang dialami oleh orang lain.
Autonomy (aut)
Kemudahan pribadi untuk bertindak sesuai keinginan, tidak tergantung dari orang lain.
Ketergantungan tinggi dengan figur lain, harus mencari persetujuan orang lain untuk bertindak, menghindari tindakan yang dapat menjadi perhatian sosial dan cenderung mencari figur perlindungan sebelum bertindak.
Affiliation (aff)
Loyalitas tinggi terhadap situasi sosial, mudah berpartisipasi dan beraktivitas.
Pribadi tertutup, introversi tinggi, sulit bergaul dan tidak senang dengan aktivitas sosial.
Intraception (int)
Mudah untuk berintrospeksi, menilai dan mengevaluasi diri dan perasaannya.
Terlalu mengabaikan perasaan, hampir tidak pernah mengevaluasi setiap tindakan berdasarkan perasaan, sikap lebih didominasi atas dasar logika atau kognitif.
Succorance (suc)
Ketergantungan tinggi terhadap orang lain, mencari support orang lain untuk meyakinkan tindakannya dengan meraih afeksi dan keramahan dari orang lain.
Pribadi yang independen, tidak tergantung dengan situasi sosial, senang dengan aktivitas diri dan mengacuhkan situasi sosial meskipun dirinya menjadi pusat perhatian
Dominance (dom)
Dominasi tinggi terhadap situasi sosial, mudah mengendalikan dan mengarahkan kelompok, termasuk memimpin untuk bertindak sesuai keinginannya.
Pribadi pengikut dalam kelompok, yes-man terhadap otoritas, mudah dikendalikan. Sulit untuk mengatakan tidak terhadap situasi kelompok.
Abasement (aba)
Kecenderungan pribadi mudah merasa bersalah, menyesali diri, layak untuk dihukum akibat tindakannya. Pribadinya mengarah pada inferioritas.
Pribadi yang berpikir positif, tidak terlalu mempedulikan kesalahan yang telah dilakukan, terbuka, mudah memaafkan dan meminta maaf apabila terjadi kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya.
Nurturance (nur)
Pribadi terbuka, mudah membantu orang lain, santun dan mudah bersimpati.
Ketertutupan pribadinya dianggap sebagai individu yang kaku, sulit bersimpati dan mudah berkata kasar.
Change (chg)
Ketertarikan tinggi pada situasi baru, berubah-ubah termasuk dalam tindakannya bekerja berupaya dengan cara baru.
Situasi rutin menjadikan dirinya nyaman, tenang dengan aktivitas harian yang monoton, mementingkan prosedur dan cara kerja berdasarkan kebiasaan.
Endurance (end)
Tanggung jawab tinggi terhadap pekerjaan, menyelesaikan apa yang telah dimulai. Tekun dan tidak mudah jenuh dengan situasi yang dihadapi.
Daya tahan rendah terhadap situasi yang menekan;konflik, ketidakjelasan situasi atau tujuan, mudah menyerah dan cepat jenuh terhadap situasi yang tidak nyaman.
Heterosexuality (het)
Ketertarikan tinggi untuk bergaul dengan lawan jenis, berupaya mendapatkan afeksi dan perhatian terhadap lawan jenis.
Tidak mudah tertarik dengan lawan jenis, tidak terlalu terpengaruh dengan lawan jenis, sulit dipengaruhi oleh figur lawan jenis.
Aggression (agg)
Dorongan agresi tinggi, mudah terpicu dengan konflik dan senang dengan konfrontasi apabila terjadi perbedaan pendapat.
Pribadi tenang, mengandalkan kedamaian, saling menerima, menghindari konflik dan konfrontasi.
Berikut hasil copy paste dari manual Edwards Personal Preference Chapter 1.
ach Achievement: to do one’s best, to be successful, to accomplish tasks requiring skill and effort, to be a recognized authority, to accomplish something of great significance, to do a difficult job well, to solve difficult problems and puzzle, to be able to do things better than others, to write a great novel or play.
def Deference: To get suggestions from others, to find out what others think, to follow instructions and do what is expected, to praise others, to tell others that they have done a good job, to accept the leadership of others, to read about great men, to conform to custom and avoid the unconventional, to let others make decisions.
ord Order: To have written work neat and organized, to make plans before starting on a difficult task, to have things organized, to keep things neat and orderly, to make advance plans when taking a trip, to organize details of work, to keep letters and files according to some system, to have meals organized and a definite time for eating, to have things arranged so that they run smoothly without change.
exh Exhibition: To say with and clever things, to tell amusing jokes and stories, to talk about personal adventures and experiences, to have others notice and comment upon one’s appearance, to say things just to see what effect it will have on others, to talk about personal achievements, to be the center of attention to use words that others do not know the meaning of, to ask questions others cannot answer.
aut Autonomy: To be able to come and go as desired, to say what one thinks about things, to be independent of others in making decisions, to feel free to do what one wants, to do things that are unconventional, to avoid situations where one is expected to conform, to do things without regard to what others may think, to criticize those in positions of authority, to avoid responsibilities and obligations.
aff Affiliation: To be loyal to friends, to participate in friendly groups, to do things for friends, to form new friendships, to make as many friends as possible, to share things with friends, to do things with friends rather than alone, to form strong attachments, to write letters to friends.
int Intraception: To analyze one’s motives and feelings, to observe others, to understand how others feel about problems, to put one’s self in another’s place, to judge people by why they do things rather than by what they do, to analyze the behavior of others, to analyze the motives of others, to predict how others will act.
suc Succorance: To have others provide help when in trouble, to seek encouragement from others, to have others be kindly, to have others be sympathetic and understanding about personal problems, to receive great deal of affection from others, to have others to favors cheerfully, to be helped by others when depressed, o have others feel sorry when one is sick, to have a fuss made over one when hurt.
dom Dominance: To argue for one’s point of view, to be a leader in groups to which one belongs, to be regarded by others as a leader, to be elected or appointed chairman of committees, to make group decisions, to settle arguments and disputes between others, to persuade and influence others to do what one wants, to supervise and direct the actions of others, to tell others how to do their jobs.
aba Abasement: To feel guilty when one does something wrong, to accept blame when things do not go right, to feel that personal pain and misery suffered does more good than harm, to feel the need for punishment for wrong doing, to feel better when giving in and avoiding a fight than when having one’s own way, to feel the need for confession of errors, to feel depressed by inability to handle situations, to feel timid in the presence of superiors, to feel inferior to others in most respects.
nur Nurturance: To help friends when they are in trouble, to assist others less fortunate, to treat others with kindness and sympathy, to forgive others, to do small favors for others, to be generous with others, to sympathize with others who are hurt or sick, to show a great deal of affection toward others, to have others confide in one about personal problems.
chg Change: To do new and different things, to travel, to meet new people, to experience novelty and change in daily routine, to experiment and try new things, to eat in new and different places, to try new and different jobs, to move about the country and live in different places, to participate in new fads and fashions.
end Endurance: To keep at a job until it is finished, complete any job undertaken, to work hard at a task, to keep at a puzzle or problem until it is solved, to work at a single job before taking on others, to stay up late working in order to get a job done, to put in long hours of work without distraction, to stick at a problem even though it may seem as if no progress i being made, to avoid being interrupted while at work.
het Heterosexuality: To go out with members of the opposite sex, to engage in social activities with the opposite sex, to be in love with someone of the opposite sex, to kiss those of the opposite sex, to be regarded as physically attractive by those of the opposite sex, to participate in discussions about sex, to read books and plays involving sex, to listen to or to tell jokes involving sex, to become sexually excited.
agg Aggression: To attack contrary points of view, to tell others what one thinks about them, to criticize others publicly, to make fun of others, to tell others off when disagreeing with them, to get revenge for insults, to become angry, to blame others when things go wrong, to read newspaper accounts of violence.
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